Technical Services:
Sweden: +46 72 885 3800
Norway: +47 21 42 01 71
Denmark: +45 53 61 40 75
Finland: +358 20 730 9892
Marine Claims:
Sweden: +46 10 205 1214
Norway: +47 22 41 59 05
Denmark: +45 53 70 40 75
Finland: +358 9 315 80846
Senior advisor, Finance
Lars joined Wesmans in 2015 as head of Finance Department. In recent years he has gradually reduced his worktime until he retired in April 2024. He has a long background within the insurance industry, mainly working with finance but also with some IT system related work. He is still in the organization as a senior resource called upon when needed. On his now rich spare time he enjoys watching football, movies, travelling and much more.